Japan | Victoria Photographer

Ah Japan. I left there over 3 1/2 years ago, but in some ways my mind is still there. I still dream about teaching. I still have an insatiable need to bow to people.

When I was there, I experienced a few earthquakes. The first was the first day I was there. An Aussie I was training with screamed “we are all going to die”. It was about a 5 . Nothing.

Two weeks before I left was when the big one hit.It was a 6.8 on the Richter scale. The whole building shook back and forth. My plugs all detached themselves from the wall sockets. I lived on the 8th floor. It was scary. I looked outside to see what to do… and the Japanese were going about as if nothing had happened. Because Japan builds for earthquakes. And a 6.8… that’s pretty much nothing.

Now a 8.9, that is not nothing.

I never went to Sendai but I can only imagine it was like the rest of Japan. Densely populated and close to the ocean. Snowy in the winter and stinkin’ hot in the summer. And now… devastated.

Thank gawd for Facebook… I know all my friends are okay.

Ganbatte Nihon…


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